Bits and Pieces

It was a quiet week around here. Nothing earth shattering happened, thank goodness. I like quiet weeks where I just go about doing things day-by-day. Some things need to be done. Some things I just feel like doing.

One thing that needs to be done most weeks during the summer month is mowing the lawn. I usually like to listen to the weekly forecast on Sunday and plan my grass cutting day accordingly. I don’t mind a hot day, but stay away form a day that is too humid.


We had our first heat wave of the season, three consecutive days with temps above 90 degrees. Up until then we had been using a fan to keep cool. At night the ceiling fans kept us comfortable as we slept. With the heat wave and rise in humidity I broke down and turned on the central air. I admit that having central air installed several years ago was one of the best moves we made.


Over the weekend I got hungry for a piece of cake – not just any cake but a coconut cake. I could easily have gone to the store and bought a slice or even a whole cake if I wanted to, but I didn’t. I decided to make one instead. This is not something I would have done if I hadn’t turned on the central air first. Hot oven in a hot house doesn’t sit too well with one of us. Anyway, I had a recipe I hadn’t tried before so I thought I would give it a whirl. Turned out pretty good.

Of course, no day would be complete without some reading time. Right now I am reading Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag. She usually has a good story to tell, if you like stories about solving horrific murders, which I do. Since there is nothing worthwhile on tv, my opinion, evenings are the perfect time for coffee, a piece of cake, and a good book.

I do enjoy quiet weeks.


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15 responses to “Bits and Pieces

  1. Love Tami Hoag.
    Looking . . . checking pub date . . .

  2. Bob, life is good when not much happens and you can relax. The best part of your week is the baking-Yum! What a great triple layer cake!

  3. A quiet weekend? Pray tell, dear sir, what is this thing of which you speak? The coconut cake looks absolutely delish, your culinary prowess in desserts is exceptional. There are days I think coffee/tea, book and cake is the modern take on “a loaf of bread a jug of wine and thou”. Glad you enjoyed your weekend.

    • I thought that when I retired every day would be quiet and restful. How wrong I was. I now savor those quiet days just as much as I did when I was working. Maybe even more. A cup of coffee and a piece of cake at the end of the day is the perfect way to unwind.

  4. The coconut cake has me thinking about baking something yummy! I installed AC a few years ago, too and it was money well spent. I try to turn both the heat and AC on as late as possible, but I am better with cold than hot, so I always break down and get the AC going early,

    • I agree with you. I get more accomplished and sleep better when I am cool and comfortable rather than hot and sticky. I am quicker to turn on the AC than the heat.

  5. I love simple days and weeks And that coconut cake looks delicious!!! 🙂

  6. Lainie Levin

    Yummy baking recipes, good books. That coconut cake looks wonderful – the kind of cake that makes lots of friends. Sounds like the start of my summer too! I went out on a limb with neapolitan cookies last night. There are worse things.

  7. Unplanned days bring simplicity and enjoyment. I like how you mention there was nothing “earth shattering” going on, which, to me, is a good day. That cake looks delicious and thank you for a book recommendation.

  8. I too like quiet days, I feel we are lucky to have them when I read about all the problems happening around the world. The cake looks absolutely delicious 🙂 Coffee, cake and a book, bliss:)

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