This and That

Although it wasn’t a super busy week, several things were going one. Somehow we got to talking about Shreck, the Musical. I remembered seeing that there was going to be a performance at the Hershey Theater. However, I couldn’t remember when. We both enjoyed the show and I asked Kathy if she would like to see it again depending on when it was and if we didn’t miss it. She said sure so I decided to check it out when we got home. This was Friday.

Of course, when we got home I forgot all about it. I did remember Saturday morning when I got up so I went to the theatre’s site to see when it was going to be there or if we had missed. Good news. We hadn’t missed it. Bae news. This was the day it was there. I knew we couldn’t make the 1:00 show, but there was another at 6:30. I checked out the tickets and saw there were two seats in the orchestra section Row G. I grabbed them. So, spur of the moment we went to a show on Saturday.

Last week we had our DCPASR spring membership meeting/luncheon. We always have a guest speaker or some form of entertainment. This year we had a Civil War reenactor. It was interesting because he portrayed a Confererate general and spoke from his perspective of some of the battles. I found it interesting.

One of the things our retired teacher’s organization does is give out awards. On Monday night Kathy and I attended the Lower Dauphin Area School District Board Meeting to present the Lauretta Woodson Award to this year’s winners. Lauretta Woodson was a teacher from West Chester who joined PASR and rose through the ranks. Upon her death, she bequeathed a sizable amount of money to the organization to be used for the support of public education.

It was my honor to present the awards to a high school teacher and an elementary aide. I think that what makes this award so special is that even though our organization presents, those who receive it are chosen by the district so they are actually honoring two of their own.

So, I would say it has been a pretty good week.


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This month Jone Rush MacCulloch leads us on our Spiritual Thursday Journey. She asks us to consider the topic of growth. Thank you, Jone, for leading us this month.

In this season when things are starting to grow and people are getting ready to begin planting their gardens, the idea of growth becomes so important. What is needed to make plants grow? What kind of nurturing do they need to reach their potential? How do we tend them to make sure that they thrive?

Going beyond plants, what do we as human beings need for our spiritual growth? I like to think of us as flowers planted in God’s garden, the earth. As with any plant, to grow we need the tender love and care of our gardener. God provides us with all the nourishment we need to flourish.

However, unlike plants, we have the free will to choose whether we accept what we need to thrive or reject what is offered. I choose to accept. We can lock ourselves away in fear of what may befall us. We will just wither. We can step out into the world taking nourishment from the sun and everything around us and grow.

We grow spiritually through prayer and our beliefs. We help others grow by being there for them, listening to them, giving them the support they need.

We, as well as the world around us, continue to grow. May we all flourish.

I found this quote in an article in Flourish Catholic – Resources to help faith grow and thrive. “Spiritual growth happens when we have the humility and trust in God to seek Him where we are—and not pine after novelty nor resent the commonplace. “

I am planted on this earth
With tenderness and care I grow.
At times there may be obstacles,
hurt, heartache and woe.

But with all that life throws at me,
Of one thing I am sure.
God's endless love and nourishment,
Always provides a cure.


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Quilt Show #3

Here we are at the final post on the Lancaster/Lebanon Quilt Show. We had a great day looking at quilts, talking to people, meeting friends, and of course, eating lunch. Hope you enjoy these final few pictures and my commentary.

I do like bargello quilts. I am fascinated at how you can make strips all the same, unsew at different points, put them back together, and have a unique looking pattern. What do you see here? Do you see an open mouth with teeth ready to chomp on something? Do you see a curtain lifting and lowering to reveal what is behind it?

Because one bargello isn’t enough, here is a completely different arrangement creating a whole new pattern.

I don’t know why, but I like the pieced background for this flower.

This one is a bit busy, but I like it anyway.

How can you not like this mother and baby? It reminded me of our trip to Africa.

This just looked like a fun quilt to me. Maybe I am coffee deprived, but if I squint a certain way, I can see a cat face looking out behind the gnome at the bottom of the quilt.

This I just found pleasing and soothing. I don’t know if it is the colors or the symmetry of the pattern, but I find this one relaxing to look at.

I lie the bold colors of this one. They really stand out.

Finally, last week I mentioned that there was one quilt that made me scratch my head. This is that quilt. I appreciate the thought that went into it, the planning. the cutting of all those tine squares and rectangles, and the optical illusion effect of the finished piece. Still can’t figure out the why? Although, as an attention grabber it sure did grab my attention.

Thans for coming along with me to this quilt show. Won’t bore you with any more quilt posts until the next show. Not sure when that will be.


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Quilt Show Part 2

Continuing our journey through the Lancaster/Lebanon Quilt Show, let’s take a look at 9 more quilts. As always, I will provide my own commentary, for what it is worth.

No quilt show would be complete these days without some examples of quilts of valor. I offer two examples here. There are so many patterns that can be used for these quilts as long as they are red, white, and blue. I lie the setup of this one. It is simple yet striking.

The blue stars on this one really stand out.

I lie the color combination in this quilt. To me, it shows how you can start with a center medallion and then keep adding rows around it to make a bed sized quilt.

The stars on this quilt just kind of drew me in. It is like I can see the night sky reflected in each star.

Kathy’s favorite flower is the pansy so I needed a picture of this quilt. I am still trying to decide if I am a fan of the green background. I do lie the quilting on this one.

Scrap quilts are fun. Although the material might be scrappy, there was thought put into the layout. To me, it looks inviting.

Here is a different kind of scrap quilt. Don’t remember if this was done using paper piecing.

I have said before that I am a Leo, so I hade to take this picture. Who said lions can’t be colorful?

To end this week’s trip through the quilts, I think the only thing missing from this one is the kitchen sink.

Next week we will take a look at the last 9 quilts I took pictures of. One really has me scratching my head.


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Lancaster-Lebanon Quilt Show (part 1)

Although I like to have these posts for the March Challenge when I need ideas, for the past few years it hasn’t happened. The Lancaster Quilt Show held during March is now held in April. So, here is the first of my quilt show posts.

The biggest news about this show for this year is that it moved from Lancaster to Lebanon. This is fine with me because the trip to Lebanon is less than an hour whereas the trip to Lancaster is more lie an hour and a half. Another plus is that in Lancaster the entrance fee is $16.00, but at Lebanon entrance is free.

All quilts and vendors were on one floor which means that there were no stairs to climb or elevators to take. All around, it was a win-win situation for us.

Here are 9 of the quilts of the over 100 that were there. Of course, I had to add my commentary.

Since quilting is a sewing art, here is a quilt that showcases all things sewing.

This quilt reminded me of sitting at our table and looking at the bird feeders outside. We are constantly visited by a variety of birds.

This quilt has a 1930s feel to it with the fabric used.

With the center star and the partial stars around it, I thought this quilt just radiates.

I found the colors in this quilt to be calming. I am a fan of earth tones.

Whereas the one above is calming, this one is vibrant with its purples, pinks, and yellows.

Although not very colorful in its monochromatic choice of fabrics, I still liked this one.

This bookcase looks a lot like ours at home, even with the cat on the shelf.

To end this week’s post, here is a stained-glass window quilt.

Next week there will be 9 more quilts showcased.


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An Afternoon Out

It has only been two weeks since our last show at Hershey, but it was time for another. This was the last show of the ‘23-‘24 season.

This has been one of my favorites for a long time. We have seen it several times because it has been to Hershey a few times. However, the name of the show is Slipping Through My Fingers and I just can’t remember the title. Old age I guess. However, Knowing Me, Knowing You maybe we can figure out the name of the show together.

I remember all of the songs in the show because I use to play them in my car when Kathy and I were dating. I had an 8-track player in the car, and this was my go-to tape to play. Anyone still remember 8 tracks? In fact, my mind is Under Attack by all of the songs in the show.

It was a juke box musical, and all of the songs were written by one of my favorite groups. All I can say to them is Thank You For The Music. I have enjoyed it for years and I still play the CD every now and then.

Maybe I shouldn’t keep buying season tickets if some shows are repeats because it does cost Money, Money, Money. But If I didn’t renew each year, I would lose the good seats that we have. One of Us has brought this up occasionally, but we still get the season tickets.

Did I mention that this is really a feel-good show? You can’t help leaving the theatre feeling happy. In fact, one woman sitting in front of us was a regular Dancing Queen because she got so into the music.

I just wish I could remember the name of the show. I might have to send an S.O.S. to Kathy to ask for her help. I could heart her say, “Honey, Honey, how could you possibly forget the name of the show?”

I would have to tell her, “It’s The Name Of The Game. I am old and forgetful.”

Well, the name is not coming to me. Can any of you help me out? I would offer you a prize if I had one. You know, The Winner Takes It All. Wait! I think it’s coming to me. Mamma Mia! How could I have forgotten! Of course. The show we saw was:


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Everyday Miracles

Slavonic Easter Greeting

Christos voskrese (Christ has Risen)

Voistinu voskrese (Indeed, He has risen)

“I believe miracles are on the way, today, tomorrow, every day.” 

We are in the midst of the Easter Season where we just celebrated the greatest miracle of all, Jesus rising from the dead. After coming through the winter season, two weeks ago Spring began, changes are happening.

The Bible is full of stories about miracles: changing water into wine (John 2:1-12), the blind seeing (John 9:1-41), the lame walking (Luke 5:17-26), the dead rising (John 11), the feeding of multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21), etc. 

My mind is drawn to miracles, not just the ones written about in the Bible, but the ones that occur in my life. Yes, I do believe that miracles, both big and small, are still happening. 

I can attest to two major miracles in my life. The first was when I was born. There was some question as to whether I would live or not. I spent the first four months of my life in a children’s hospital in Philadelphia. Through the care of doctors and nurses I made it and came home just before Christmas. It was a miracle that I survived. A Christmas miracle? God’s hand working through the doctors.

The second major miracle happened seven years ago. I was sent for a heart catheterization. My doctor felt I needed a stent. However, after the test, the doctor performing it came out and asked me why I was still alive. I had what he called a widow maker. I needed a triple bypass. It was a miracle that I had the test when I did, and they discovered the problem before it was too late. Again, a case of God’s intervention in my life.

Beside these major miracles, there are many other miracles happening daily. In this season we see the miracle of new life returning to trees and flowers. Each day the sun rises is a miracle. A baby’s smile and laughter is a miracle. The list goes on and on.

So, I ask you, friends, what miracles have graced your life?

I truly believe that as is sung in this song from Flower Drum Song, A Hundred Million Miracles are happening every day.


We may not always see them
Or be aware that they are there.
But somehow we just know that
Somewhere somebody cares.

He watches over us
from Heaven up above.
Miracles both big and small
Are symbols of God's love.

I have not learned how to use any of the linky thingies so please leave the link to your post in the comments. I look forward to reading about the miracles in your life.


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A Bit of Sunshine

April 2, 2024

After 31 days of writing, I don’t feel like I have a post in me for today. So, here’s a picture from our backyard and a haiku to go with it.

Forsythia blooms
Emerging from the shadows.
Brightening the day.


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Good For Another Year


We have reached March 31 which means that this year’s Story Challenge has reached its end. I admit that I am glad it is over.

I didn’t sign up for the challenge early. In fact, I almost did not sign up at all. I didn’t feel like I had 31 posts in me. When I did eventually sign on, it was with the understanding that if I missed a day or two or more that would be OK. I was not going to beat myself over the head if I didn’t post every day.

However, I did post every day even when I didn’t feel like writing. Why did I do that? The simple reason is because of the support I got from those who read my blogs and commented on them. You have no idea how much your comments meant to me and gave me the drive to write every day. I thank you for that.

I have enjoyed catching up with old friends, making new ones, and continuing friendships with those of you who post weekly. You all inspire me. I have learned new words, new formats, new things about you.

I have said it before, but I think it bears repeating. This is one caring and supportive community and I am happy and proud to be a part of it.

Thanks to all the co-hosts at TWT who kept us going throughout the month. Will I be back next year? Probably. Will I complain about not having time to write or ideas worth sharing? Definitely. Will I still do it? You betcha.

Hope to see many of you on Tuesday.


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What Was Written


For the last few years, I have taken this day before the last day of the challenge to look back at the titles of the posts I wrote during the month. (Plus the fact that I am too tired and lazy to come up with something new.) Sometimes the order of the titles just fits, and I don’t need to move things around. Other times the titles need to be rearranged for them to make some sense. I thought I would play with this year’s titles and see what I can come up with. I grouped them by twos because that seemed to work. Here goes.

A New Beginning

Time Flies
A Challenge For The Challenge

A Trip To The Spa
Unexpected News

An Uncooperative Slice
Goodness Abounds

Book Spine Poetry
Something Sweet

Time For An Update
Looking Back...Way Back

On The Go

Here We Go Again
Springtime Poetry

Rounding The Curve
I Reached My Goal

A Poor Substitute
A Look At The Second Room

It's Official
Glad I Didn't Wait

A Blast From The Past
A New Season Announced

It's Coming Along
Not A Normal Sunday

In A Slump
Frustrated and Annoyed

Forgot About This
Project Complete

What Was Written
Good For Another Year


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