Life Outside My Window



OK, we are to stay home and put our lives on hold for the time being. I can do that.  However, if I just look out the dining room window, I can see that life still goes on.

Although no one is there now, I know that eventually this bird feeder will host a flurry of activity.


I am not the only one who knows this.  Ned and Molly are also waiting although Molly has been distracted by me and is now watching to see what I do.  A bird near our lilac bush seems to have caught Ned’s eye.


Not to be left left behind, Dustin also checks things out.


If I look a little further into the yard I can see our daffodils finally in bloom.  I watched for weeks as the shoots burst forth from the ground and rose higher and taller.  I watched as the yellow flowers started to show themselves.  Now I enjoy the full bloom.


If I shift my gaze across the street I can see the park. Near the entrance there is a basketball court.  It is empty for now, but I know that shortly some kids will come and start shooting hoops.  Is this a wise thing to do?  Probably not, but they will do it anyway.


Closer to the road there is a path.  I know that someone will be out for a walk.  Dogs need to go out so I know that there will be someone walking a dog.


I knew the basketball court would not be empty for long.


A husband and wife out for fresh air and a bit of exercise.


Yes, I might isolate myself in my house, but I am not isolated from the world.


Filed under Uncategorized

26 responses to “Life Outside My Window

  1. We are learning to notice so much that is happening around us. I think most of us will not take anything for granted. 😊

  2. jumpofffindwings

    You truly shared your window on the world. Clever photo essay, yet again.

  3. A window to your world and your mind. I enjoyed this this non-journey. Your cats are gorgeous.

  4. What wonderful observations! I enjoyed the view from your world.

  5. Yes I enjoyed your photo journal of part of your day and how much there is to observe, in the light of these times. The touches of spring make all the difference!

  6. “I might isolate myself in my house, but I am not isolated from the world.” That’s the key to living through this point in history, isn’t it.

  7. I enjoyed reading all of the details you captured. I feel the same about isolation…it just feels weird because it’s not the norm.

  8. I truly enjoyed catching your impressions, being shown the different perspectives from within your four walls. A relaxing, reassuring read. Thank you!

  9. Sharon Gubser

    Nice slice. I loved the pictures with captions.

  10. I have been watching Penny Kittle and Kelly Galagher’s videos this week, and she mentioned a book titled Windows on the World. It is a book where 50 different writers have sketched outside their window and then wrote about it. If you Google the title with the author’s name, Pericoli, you can see some of the images. Your post today reminds me of that, but instead of sketches, you have pictures.

  11. I love that daffodils are starting to bloom! And love all of your kitty pictures!

  12. Lainie Levin

    This slice/photo essay is just what I needed today. Thank you!

    Your post might inspire me to think about some fiction – I wonder what the animals around us think of what we’re doing…?

  13. It would be interesting to read an animal’s point of view on what is happening. I am sure my cats are wondering why their servants are around all day and not going anywhere.

  14. pattigrow

    Love and miss your amazing writing Bob! Dustin is very handsome! ❤️

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