Things to Do


SOLSC Day 18

As Joni Mitchell sang,”Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you’ve got
Till it’s gone.”

Why is it that when something is taken away from you you want it all the more even if it is something you don’t need or have to do? Government guidelines tell us to stay home and avoid contact with others.  So why do I want to go somewhere even though I don’t need a thing?

I could sit and grumble and feel sorry for myself, but I thought I would list the things I can do here at home.  Some things I enjoy doing and some just need to be done.  Here are 10 possibilities in no special order of importance or priority.

  1.  Read – I certainly don’t suffer from having a lack of books I want to read.
  2. Play with the cats – They need their exercise or they tear the house apart.  I know this from experience.
  3. Blog…post…comment.  Hey, it’s March so this is a given.
  4. Laundry – Even though there are only two of us we tend to go through the clothes.
  5. Cook – This is a good time to try new recipes.  We have a well stocked freezer and pantry. I also have tons of cookbooks, recipes cut from newspapers and magazines, plus recipes I found on line that I printed off.
  6. Bake – I like my sweets and there is no getting around that.  Of course, I shouldn’t be eating too many sweets.
  7. Organize – Now that it is a bit warmer it is a good time to go up to the attic and go through things.  The garage could also use a cleaning out as well.
  8. Work on a project – I enjoy working with plastic canvas so this would be a good time to make something.  I have a year and a half until Kathy’s guild hold their next quilt show and I do like to donate something to their quitique.
  9. Yard work – This is the perfect time to get out and pick up the branches that have fallen off the trees during the winter.  This also gets me out of the house so that I don’t feel so confined.
  10. Read – Did I mention that I have a stack of books sitting beside my chair,  as well as other places in the house, that are begging to be read?  Let’s not forget those I have stored on my Kindle.

So, I have plenty to keep me busy during this time of isolation I miss the choice of not going somewhere just because I want to.  Oh well, I’ll survive.  Oh, wait.  I think I hear a book calling to me.


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22 responses to “Things to Do

  1. Looks like a book is calling your name! I usually don’t do laundry as often as I have been, but figure why let it just sit and continue to pile up. It’s just 2 of us as well. Not sure how it builds up so fast! Not having the choice makes it so much harder!

  2. A much needed reminder and ideas to keep us grounded – at home. Here in Ontario we too are under pressure to keep our “social distance”. As an introvert, it really isn’t that great a hardship – books are my refuge already while dealing with a health challenged hubby. But it is scary times for sure. We do need contact – blogging certainly helps.
    Great post!

  3. jumpofffindwings

    I keep thinking, “Spring cleaning!” Now why does that TBR seem so much more appealing? I think I’ll take my dog out for (another) walk.

  4. Yes when in doubt, pick up a book. I think it’s something about our nature that when we can’t have something we want it, but if we had it, we would feel less inclined!

  5. This too shall pass 😊. Yes there us a lot to do .

  6. I always wish for more time to do things around the house. Now we’ve got it! I’ll have no excuse for a messy garage, disorganized cupboards, unfinished quilts, unread books…

  7. Terje

    You have a beautiful long list. And a high book pile. Enjoy your staycation. I wouldn’t worry too much about organising unless it really brings you joy.

  8. This is a wise idea, to list the activity options at home. Even when I know what needs doing or even what I’d like to do, I find that I am remarkably easily distracted and my thoughts keep coming back to what I may not do.

  9. Next week will be spring break. I’m looking forward to it (though all original plans are cancelled) because this week we are “working remotely” but we don’t have a routine of e-learning, so it’s been very stressful- the expectation that we are supposed to be working, but we don’t have clearly defined tasks and no routine contact with our students. Next week I can make my own list.

  10. Oh my things I can do list while I’m home is becoming a dossier. I just have to be free to do them. I am home working remotely, Maybe this weekend (which I said last weekend).

  11. Isn’t it so odd how as soon as we need to stay home, we suddenly think of so many places we want to go and things we want to do? I think it’s important to remind ourselves that we do have plenty to occupy ourselves at home. I have decided to commit to one new recipe a week. Yesterday I baked copycat Starbucks petite vanilla bean scones. They turned out really well! (Maybe a little too well–I wanted to eat the whole pan!)

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