Day 7 Planning a One Day Trip



Ever since we have started taking Amtrak to NYC I don’t remember the last time we took a one day bus trip.  That will change April 3.

Yesterday one of our friends called.  She has wanted to take a trip to Washington D. C. to see the cherry blossoms for years.  She had planned trips with her children but things always seemed to fall through.  This year she and her husband decided this was the year they were going.

She started looking into bus trips and found one.  She signed up for it.  She and her husband talked it over and they decided to give us a call to see if we might be interested in going.  The day included the cherry blossoms, a stop at the WW II memorial, and a stop at the Smithsonian Institute.

Neither Kathy nor I have ever seen the blossoms.  I haven’ been to the Smithsonian since I was a cub scout, at least 10 years ago :-).  We talked it over and decided why not.  I know that there is no guarantee about the blossoms.  Anything can happen weather-wise between now and April 3, but it will be a day out, spent with friends, and someone else will be doing the driving.


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15 responses to “Day 7 Planning a One Day Trip

  1. jumpofffindwings

    This trip sounds like fun. You won’t be disappointed by D.C. even if the blossoms aren’t quite popping. The WWII memorial, the Smithsonian, just being there—I’m a bit jealous. Enjoy!

  2. Terje

    Cherry blossoms parade in Washington DC is one of my fondest memories from almost 30 years ago during a school exchange visit. Being from Estonia and for the first time in USA and seeing the beauty of blossoms and the parade was grand experience. I hope your bus ride will be smooth and the pink blossoms will bring you joy!

  3. Sounds wonderful, Bob! I have wanted to see the cherry blossoms for some time now and traveling on Amtrak is so easy! Maybe this year will be my year, too. Have a wonderful trip!

  4. I’ve only seen the cherry blossoms once, but I’ve never forgotten! This sounds like a wonderful bus trip.

  5. That sounds like a fun trip! An old-fashioned field trip. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your pictures.

  6. Enjoy your trip! I can’t wait to read about it in your future blogs.

  7. This sounds like a trip which will be fun whether there are cherry blossoms or not. The blossoms would be the cherry on top of the cake–extra special. Enjoy the fact that someone else is doing the driving!

  8. You will love the cherry blossoms ( we saw them in Tokyo!)

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