They Still Want Me?



I mentioned in a few posts earlier this year that as of January 1 Kathy and I became the new co-presidents of the Dauphin County Chapter of School Retirees.  As a group we meet monthly so we have two meetings under our belt.

How did they go?  Well, let’s start with January’s meeting.  We meet on the third Wednesday of the month because the church where we hold our meetings serves a lunch on that day.  The meeting start at 10:00.  I showed up at 10:30.

To set things in perspective we also got a new treasurer this year.  Because of this we had to go to the bank where we have our accounts and get the names changed for check signing purposes.

The bank is about five minutes away from the church.  We met at the bank at 9:00.  That would give us an hour to do things.  Plenty of time to get to the meeting.

All parties were there by 9:00.  We met with a person from the bank and started taking care of business.  Jump ahead 45 minutes.  We were still taking care of business and nowhere near to being finished.  The meeting was to start in fifteen minutes.  No one at the meeting knew where we were.  What was I going to do?

Finally, at five minutes before the meeting was to start I asked Kathy if she would take the car, go to the meeting, and get things started since it was only my signature that was needed on the paperwork.  I would bum a ride with our new treasurer.  She did.

Finally we were finished at the bank.  I got a ride with John, our treasurer, and walked into the first meeting I was to run a half hour late.

Moving on to February’s meeting.  Snow was in the forecast, not just a dusting but a major storm.  Remember, we are all retired meaning we are all seniors and at 67 I am one of the youngest there.  Should I cancel or not.  I heard from the church secretary that because of the weather they would not be serving lunch that Wednesday and they might even close the church.  That made up my mind.  I cancelled the meeting.

So, for the two months I have been president I was 30 minutes late for the first meeting and I cancelled the second.  I volunteered to step down as president.  After all, this shows that I am clearly unreliable and not suited for the job right?  The group said “no” .  They would give me one more chance.  I know that the truth is nobody else wants the job.

Truthfully, I do look forward to my two years in office.  This is a great group of people who are willing to help out in any way possible.


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18 responses to “They Still Want Me?

  1. jumpofffindwings

    You go, you youngster you. Maybe there’ll be a torrent of shamrocks at the March meeting. Here’s to lots of the four-leaf kind in your future as monarch. (It is true that finding leadership, someone willing to accept the mantle, can be problematic. They are lucky to have you.)

  2. I look forward to being part of a retiree group… but at the rate I’m going I will already be one of the “oldies” by the time I do. My plan is to teach til I’m “done” and not sub after I retire (I was a full time sub my first year of teaching, in 40+ schools.)

    • After 40 years I knew it was time for me to leave and I had no intention of subbing. If I wanted to still teach I would not have retired. Anyway, I wouldn’t have time to sub anyhow.

  3. Terje

    You make plans and then there is life. It is what it is. Now that the bank business is done and the snow will melt, you’ll have a fabulous next meeting. (helping you to envision here)

  4. You sound pretty reliable to me. Banking stuff takes precedence as does safety. Hope you both enjoy your meetings.

  5. Leigh Anne Eck

    I bet you will make an awesome president – all you need to do is put your storytelling skills to work! The heck with running a meeting! 🙂

  6. Sounds like a busy bunch! Our retired teachers group gets together once am month for lunch, and that’s it. No president, or treasurer or projects. They seem to like it! In the town where I used to live they were a bit more active, with a newsletter and projects (recently they helped to raise money to buy a tract of land beside a brand new school so the school could always have a forest to use for outdoor ed!) What sort of projects do you do that require a treasurer?

    • We give $1000 scholarships to one or two graduating seniors each year. We give grants to teachers and paraprofessionals. We bring in speakers for our luncheons. If you are interested to see more as well as our newsletter here is a link to our website.

  7. It’s true that these meetings are not off to the greatest of starts, though I think you bear very little responsibility. I am glad your group still has confidence in you, and I look forward to seeing what you’re able to accomplish once you get to have an actual meeting!

  8. You will make a great president, Bob, despite the rough start. You made a wise decision to send Kathy on ahead to get things started so you are already making decisions that matter. Good luck!

  9. Alice Nine

    Sounds like you have the skills to lead the Dauphin County Chapter of School Retirees. Efficient with paperwork (banking). Problem solver (sending Kathy ahead). Resourceful (cancel for bad weather). Here’s to two very good years ahead.

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