Kuranda Rainforest and Aboriginal Park


I can honestly say that today was one of the days we were really looking forward to.  It was an added excursion, but one we did not want to miss. Today was the day we would get to actually hold a koala.

At 8:00 A.M. we left the hotel to head to the Kuranda Village and Rainforest.  We would take a train up to the village and then ride the Skyrail back down – not something I was looking forward to which I will explain later.

Here we are waiting for the train, seeing it coming into the station, and the car that was designated for our group.

We got settled in for the hour ride up the mountain. There were some spectacular views.  At one point the train stopped so that we could get out and take some pictures.

When we reached our destination, Kuranda Village, it was off to the Koala Gardens.


This is where we got to hold the koala.  There are only two or three places in the world where you can do this so there was no way we were not going to sign up for this opportunity.  It was worth it.

They are as cuddly as they appear although their claws are extremely sharp.  Here are some doing what koalas do.

Koalas were not the only animals in the gardens.  There were wallabies.  They didn’t mind eating from your hand.


They were not fenced in.

In another section we saw this critters.  Not my favorite.


Just in cast you would like a different angle.


As we left the garden to get some lunch I spied this hanging on the wall. It has nothing to do with Australia, koalas, or anything else.  I just happen to play one so I had to take a picture.


After lunch it was time to head back down the mountain via the Skyrail.   This was a 45 minute ride that took us above the rainforest.  If you have been reading my posts for any length of time you know that it is no secret that I am cot a fan of heights and cable cars in particular.  So here I was getting into a car that would take us over the rain forest.  Imagine how tall a rainforest can be and then imagine being that much higher over it.  Enough to give me the willies.  But I went.  Luckily Kathy and I had the car to ourselves.


Before we could start down the mountain, we had to go up…and up…and up.

The view really were spectacular.

We finally got to the top and then started our trip down.

More beautiful views.

This was kind of interesting.  We weren’t sure what was happening.  We saw water skiers, but couldn’t see boats.  It seems that the skiers hold on to a bar that is attached to a cable which is attached to a mechanism that pulls them around the water.  Who needs a boat.

When we got off of the Skyrail it was a 3 minute walk to an Aboriginal village, our next stop.  Here anyone who wanted to could have their face painted.  I chose not to.

We had a short presentation on Aboriginal culture.

Everyone was invited to join them for a dance.  I took pictures instead.  I admit I am not adventurous.

From there our group was shown how to throw a spear.  No one impaled themselves.


Then it was on to boomerang throwing.  No one hit themselves with a returning boomerang.

Next we had a lesson on herbs, foods, and medicines.


Our day ended with a stop at the mandatory gift shop and then it was back to the hotel for dinner and a well deserved rest.  After all, tomorrow it would be off to Sydney.





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14 responses to “Kuranda Rainforest and Aboriginal Park

  1. Of course you had to hold a koala!!! I read a National Geographic article a few years ago about how expanding cities are encroaching on their habitat and endangering them.

  2. Thank you for taking me along, lovely pictures.

  3. Yes to holding a koala!! What a fun trip you are on and you made it down on the Skyrail – was it as bad as you thought? I am always afraid to go and then love it once it has begun. I can’t resist the views!

  4. My dream is to go to Australia! Thank you for bringing me along on your adventure! Sounds like an amazing trip you are having!

  5. So many once-in-a-lifetime experiences! Of course you had to take this excursion! What a great trip you had!

  6. What an amazing experience and a full day! Thanks for taking us along for the ride!

  7. So, so exciting! Thanks for all the photos! Gorgeous and interesting!
    And that accordion was so random.

  8. “I admit I am not adventurous.” Well, that’s “fake news! Of course you are. Not everyone would take a trip nearly around the world to such an unusual place and have such unique experiences as riding a cable car over a rainforest. Love all your photos and the pacing of your post. When my daughter returned from six months in Australia she had lots of tales to tell. It’s a most unusual place, as I am sure you are learning. I’ll bet the accordion is very popular in Australia because of its portability!

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