Book Series


SOLSC Day 14

I have always been an avid reader.  Although I like reading many different kinds of books I usually go back to mystery/adventure.   I am a fan of James Patterson and his Alex Cross novels as well as the women’s Murder Club books.  I look forward to any new Lincoln Rhyme novel written by Jeffrey Deaver.  Of course I can’t leave out the Kay Scarpetta series written by Patricia Cornwell.

I have mixed feelings about reading books in a series.  First of all it is always best to start with the first book since many subsequent books refer back to a previous one.Secondly, sometimes the wait between books is so long that I forget what happened in the earlier books.  This happens often because I read so many books in between.

On the other hand, I like the characters and want to know what is happening with them.  It is also interesting to see how they grow over the series of books.

Recently I finished reading two books by Gregg Hurwitz.  I have read a few of his books before, but they have always been stand alone novels. These two seem to be the start of a series, or at least I hope so. the first book is Orphan X.

orphan x In this book we are introduced to Evan Smoak a man who was taken off of the street from a group home to be trained by an agency of the government.  Of course, as in all these kinds of books there is no documented proof that this agency exists.  He hones his skills as an assassin for the government with unlimited funds in several untraceable bank accounts.  After something happens for which he blames himself, I will not spoil things by saying what it is, he decides to abandon this life and use his skills to help people who are desperate and in need of help.  He becomes known as the “Nowhere Man”.

Trouble develops when someone is out to eliminate him.  This person has the same training and skill set as Evan.  Who is after him?  Can he elude him/her/them?   Who is behind this and why?  Answers are found in the book.

The second book in the series in “Nowhere Man”.

nowhere man This continues the adventures of Evan.  The twist in this book is that this time Evan is the one needing help.  He is kidnapped and held captive by someone who wants something from him.  No one knows where he is.  He doesn’t even know where he is.  He has to rely on the skills he possesses to outwit this mastermind and escape.  It is a roller coaster of a ride.  As much as I enjoyed Orphan X, I liked this one all the more.

Now my hope is that there will be a third book in the series.  After all, with the way book two ended there has to be more.  I will now be impatient until that book comes out.  One of the problems of enjoying series books.


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23 responses to “Book Series

  1. I’m like you, I get intrigued by a series and the characters, but I also get tired of reading the same author and need to switch it up and then come back to it later. The first series I was hooked on was Nancy Drew. As a child I liked falling into that familiar rhythm and predictable plot.

  2. Erika Haak

    Hey Bob, it is a series, #3 isn’t out there yet, but there is a book 1.5, it is an e-book…..

    Buy a Bullet (Orphan X #1.5)
    by Gregg Hurwitz
    The Nowhere Man is a figure shrouded in secrecy—a near legendary figure who helps those lucky few who are given the means to reach out to him.

    Before he was the Nowhere Man, Evan Smoak was a highly trained government operative known to a few as Orphan X. This is the story of Smoak’s first outing as the Nowhere Man, where after completing a mission in Northern California, he happens to spot a young woman at a coffee shop. Brutalized and under the control of a very powerful, unscrupulous man, her life is in danger if she doesn’t escape. And the only person that can help her do that is a man with the background and skills of the Nowhere Man.

    Maybe this could satisfy your fix until he finishes writing #3? If you don’t have a Nook or Kindle, you can read on the Kindle app on something like an iPad or another tablet. If you don’t have a tablet or iPad, they loan e-readers at most libraries, they loan e-books too!

  3. I am so terrible about reading books in a series or in a trilogy. I’ll read the first one and maybe the second one. When I tell people this, they usually nod their head in disbelief. I don’t know what to say, it’s just the way I roll.

  4. I love series too, and just like you moan about waiting until a new one arrives. I’m always happy to find an established series so I don’t have to wait. Have you ever read John Sandford and his Prey series?

  5. I love series: Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Hunger Games, Happy P…. and then filling up on authors I love… Reading… I need it back 🙂

  6. Judy C.

    I, too, like to read series books, but the wait can be endless sometimes. Have not read any of Hurwitz books, will have to check him out. Thanks for the recommendation.

  7. I am not a series reader, perhaps it’s because I am also too impatient to wait until the new book arrives. This sounds like a great series, though.

  8. I get on a kick about reading the same author or a series and then I tire of it. My husband devoured series reading 3 or 4 books per week while working full time. He couldn’t get enough.

  9. I waited each time through the years for Stiefvater’s Raven Cycle books, and you’re right, sometimes I had to go back to try to remember what “had” happened before. The only adult mysteries I try to keep up with are by Elizabeth George, and I am behind. They are a kind of series, and the characters have both changed, married, and gotten killed! Yikes, how can an author do that? I enjoyed hearing what you’re reading!

    • I know. I get upset when a character who has been with me for several books ends up leaving or being killed off. How dare the author. Kind of reminds me of Misery by Stephen King.

  10. I like series books, but usually after the third one, I’m done.

    These books make me think you might like Brad Meltzer’s work – maybe The House of Secrets?

  11. Thanks for these good recommendations of books you have enjoyed. Always good to know! You have given us great “teasers” and now I am curious too. And I am glad that #3 is on the way for you. I do like series books, but I am not much of a murder mystery reader. However, I am “taken” with Louise Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache novels. Have you heard of them? I am going to write about them – soon. Right now I am trying to find time to read #12 – it is waiting for me on my shelf… I just have to find time to read between writing slices of life!

  12. I have not read these books, but I do enjoy a good mystery. I have always liked Sherlock Holmes. I agree, the trouble with series is the remembering part.

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