That Dreaded Four Letter Word


Let’s face it, words affect us.  Some words make us feel all warm and bubbly inside while others make us cringe.  Some words make us laugh while others make us cry. Some make us froth at the mouth while others may elicit no response whatsoever.

There is one four letter word that always gets to me whether I hear it or see it in print.  I am sure you all know what word I am talking about.  It seems every time I pick up something to read that word is there blatantly staring me in the face.  Whenever I talk to someone that word seems to crop up at least once in the conversation.

Yes, that word does have an effect on me and I’m sure on many of you as well.  SALE!  There, I’ve written it.  What other word has the power to turn people crazy?  What other word makes us want to go out and buy something we don’t really want or need at a price that has been inflated just so it can be marked down to the same price it was the day before the sale began?

I admit that I am drawn to a sale.  I don’t want to miss out on a bargain.  Well, last Friday Kathy and I went to a sale.  This sale happens just twice a year, January and August.  Even though I don’t need more of what is being sod I still end up with a bag full.

This sale is held by out local newspaper.  On sale are books, thousands of them.  All hardcovers are $3.00.  Paperbacks run $1.00 each.  Children’s books are 3 for $1.00.  How can you go wrong?

The newspaper staff spends months collecting books, sorting them, and arranging them for sale.  People flock to the sale.  There is always a line waiting to get in when the doors open.

Usually Kathy and I go in the afternoon when the crowd has thinned out a bit.  This time we were there about 15 minutes after the doors opened because we were going to meet some friends for lunch afterwards.

You can see some of the people milling around when we got there.


The books are all arranged alphabetically by author.  There are special displays for some authors such as James Patterson, David Baldauchi, Nora Roberts, and John Grisham.  There is a section for large print books as well as romance and sci-fi.  There is a special place for biographies and craft books.  No matter what kind of book you like, you are bound to find something here.


There are two rooms devoted to the sale and it seems that no matter what time you go to the sale there is someone else there.


If you were to look around our house you would see that we probably don’t need any more books.  Hogwash.  One can never have too many.  One of the main reasons I like this sale is that it gives me a chance to pick up books by authors I would not usually choose.

So, did I buy any books?  Do you really have to ask?


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31 responses to “That Dreaded Four Letter Word

  1. I am a sucker for a book sale. I wish I could read them as quickly as I pick them up!

  2. You had me hooked! Love SALE! I’m always amazed by the “care” that is taken with these books so that even though the cost is reasonable, the books are easily accessible by authors and genre! ❤

  3. Terje

    You crafted this slice cleverly, making me worried, then reminding me of the power of SALE, and ending with a celebration of books. I fully agree that you can never have too many books.

  4. What a great way to set up your piece–I was immediately hooked and wanted to know what the dreaded word was! And I think we can all relate to the allure of this particular kind of sale…never too many books!

  5. lindabaie

    I say ‘hogwash’ too. There’s always room for books. What a great sale. It reminds me of our awesome library sale. I love to browse and browse, wonder what “find” will happen. BUT, you led me on and a few words I don’t like seeing swirled around, just to let you know. I won’t say which ones, but they are lurking! SALE in January is no surprise, but yours is the best!

  6. That is the best kind of a sale! You have such a talent for making your readers eager to get to the next word. Enjoy your books!

  7. Judy C.

    I so enjoy the book “sale” at our library. I look for authors I haven’t read and search for just the right books. Yes, you can never have enough books. When I was in Guatemala last year, there was a book sale at the downtown market and yes, I browsed and bought books for my daughter and her co-worker to use at their school. Imagine getting 25+ children’s books for under $5.00!

  8. annettepimentel

    My daughter needed a discarded book for an art project, so we went to the local recycle center where you can take discarded books for free. They had a huge bin, as high as my waist, filled with books. How could people throw away so many wonderful books? She got the book she needed and I came home with several books I hadn’t know that I needed until I saw them.

  9. What a great lead for your slice. Yes, you kept me reading! I’m glad you found some treasures. You can never have too many!

  10. What a fun post to read! I am not a sale girl but books are always a yes. I am working to get some out of the house but more always seem to find their way in our door. I am really bad at the little FREE Libraries around town. So now I tell myself if I take a book I need to find a book in our house to put in the next Free Library box I walk by. I refuse to get any more book shelfs.

  11. Erika

    You know I can’t say no to a great book. I was sure your four letter word that you can’t resist would be FOOD! That’s another one that is high on both of our lists 🙂 I enjoy reading your blog each week Bob. Keep it up and enjoy your new book treasures!

    • Gee, Erika. I can’t imagine what makes you think I like food.😊. I guess that does run a close race with books. Glad you enjoy reading my posts. So, when are going to join our writing community? March Challenge is coming up.

  12. Great sale, great story! And there just isn’t any such thing as too many books.

  13. Am I ever jealous! Those kinds of sales glaze my eyes. I too bought books yesterday – at our local St. Vincent De Paul. and I certainly don;’t need more. But instead of just making a donation – I get books in return. Win, win. Lovely post (definitely a kindred spirit!)

  14. LOL i do love that word, and even more when it deals with books!

  15. Putting the words “sale” and “books” in the same sentence makes me giddy and my poor bookcases groan. I know this well. Enjoy the new reads!

  16. You struck a chord with me twice: Sale! Books! Problem for me is that of late I have found myself unable to wait for the “sale”. Happy reading!

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