If I Were Smart


2016 March Challenge

Day 1

It is hard to believe that another March Challenge is starting.  No it’s not.  We know it happens every March.  We have been reading about it at TWT for a month so it is no surprise that it is here.  This is my third year participating so I kind of know the ropes.  Write something new every day, post it, comment on at least three other posts every day.

So what am I worried about?  Same thing as every year… what will I write about?  Can I come up with 31 (well only 30 now) new and different things to write about?  Will anyone want to read what I write?

I have read many posts throughout the year and thought, “Gee, that’s something I can write about.”  If I were smart I would have jotted that idea down in a notebook.  I did not.

While Kathy and I were out I saw many things that would have made an interesting picture and given me fodder for a post.  If I were smart I would have taken out my phone and snapped a picture.  I did not.

Throughout the year I have had some ideas pop into my head that would have made interesting topics for a post.  If I were smart I would have written them down and not relied on my memory.  I did not.

Am I starting to sound like some students?

Well then.  What will I write about this month?  The truth is I haven’t the faintest idea.  I guess I will just have to wait and see what kind of inspiration hits each day.  So dear readers, you are at the mercy of my whims.

Some posts may be intelligent insights into world problems…yeah, sure they will.  Some may be interesting.  Some may be boring.  Some may have you wondering what kind of medication I am taking or didn’t he take his medication today?

Whatever the daily posts brings, I am ready to start this journey…no, adventure… and I look forward to reading about your adventures as well.

Happy writing!


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25 responses to “If I Were Smart

  1. Bob,
    1. Good to know this is also your THIRD year!
    2. Yep! Just like the kids!
    3. Nervous, anxious, sweaty palms . . . just like the first day of school!
    So many similarities! Thanks for writing all those connections! Happy Slicing!

  2. You always entertain, I can’t think of one post where I thought your words were boring. Your view on the world is quite entertaining. Everyday I look forward to finding out what’s happening in your world. Now start jotting those ideas!

  3. I have never read one of your posts that is not interesting and fun to read. Many of them have a funny twist to them at the end. I love your writing style and can’t wait to read your thoughts each day.

  4. It’s my third year too and I feel the same way, though I feel better than I did in my second year. I think I’m going to carry around a little notebook and jot down ideas as they come to me. If I were techie, I’d create a spreadsheet, but that wouldn’t be as much fun. A notebook will make me feel like Nancy Drew.

  5. Judy C.

    If only – that hindsight thing. Looking forward to your slices – they always make me smile (and sometimes wonder) and give me ideas. Glad we’re in this adventure together with many others.

  6. I like the idea of being at the mercy of your whims, knowing I will love each post. Happy March!

  7. I always enjoy your slices. Reading your work is like participating in a conversation. I’m glad you are waiting for daily inspiration to strike!

  8. You always have interesting things to say, Bob, and you always find a way to make us laugh. So glad that you are writing with us this March, Bob.

  9. Bob, reading your post today felt like I was in the company of an old friend. You are always interesting and usually make me laugh (like today). This is year 2 of my journey. Glad to be taking it again with you!

  10. I love to write a slice wherever it takes me too 😉
    Here’s to another great Month together Bob 🙂

  11. You always have something interesting to entertain us with. I love checking in on your posts. I am trying to keep track of a few ideas here and there but often never use them. I like the surprise of what the day brings. Happy Writng!

  12. Lisa

    I think one of the best things that has happened to me as I have participated in this challenge over the years is learning that everything can become a story, a small moment. It has helped me be more present in my life as I think about the stories that are happening around me all the time. I look forward to reading what you come up with!

  13. Looks like we are on the same page here…there will be no boring posts from arjeha!

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