Everyday Miracles

Slavonic Easter Greeting

Christos voskrese (Christ has Risen)

Voistinu voskrese (Indeed, He has risen)

“I believe miracles are on the way, today, tomorrow, every day.” 

We are in the midst of the Easter Season where we just celebrated the greatest miracle of all, Jesus rising from the dead. After coming through the winter season, two weeks ago Spring began, changes are happening.

The Bible is full of stories about miracles: changing water into wine (John 2:1-12), the blind seeing (John 9:1-41), the lame walking (Luke 5:17-26), the dead rising (John 11), the feeding of multitudes (Matthew 14:13-21), etc. 

My mind is drawn to miracles, not just the ones written about in the Bible, but the ones that occur in my life. Yes, I do believe that miracles, both big and small, are still happening. 

I can attest to two major miracles in my life. The first was when I was born. There was some question as to whether I would live or not. I spent the first four months of my life in a children’s hospital in Philadelphia. Through the care of doctors and nurses I made it and came home just before Christmas. It was a miracle that I survived. A Christmas miracle? God’s hand working through the doctors.

The second major miracle happened seven years ago. I was sent for a heart catheterization. My doctor felt I needed a stent. However, after the test, the doctor performing it came out and asked me why I was still alive. I had what he called a widow maker. I needed a triple bypass. It was a miracle that I had the test when I did, and they discovered the problem before it was too late. Again, a case of God’s intervention in my life.

Beside these major miracles, there are many other miracles happening daily. In this season we see the miracle of new life returning to trees and flowers. Each day the sun rises is a miracle. A baby’s smile and laughter is a miracle. The list goes on and on.

So, I ask you, friends, what miracles have graced your life?

I truly believe that as is sung in this song from Flower Drum Song, A Hundred Million Miracles are happening every day.

listen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srL7UE5ai40.

We may not always see them
Or be aware that they are there.
But somehow we just know that
Somewhere somebody cares.

He watches over us
from Heaven up above.
Miracles both big and small
Are symbols of God's love.

I have not learned how to use any of the linky thingies so please leave the link to your post in the comments. I look forward to reading about the miracles in your life.


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10 responses to “Everyday Miracles

  1. kareneastlund4898

    Hi Bob: Thanks for sharing your (pretty big) miracles! I’m glad you are around to tell of them. And thanks for this prompt and for hosting today. My post can be found at


  2. Bob, your topic allowed me to reflect on the power of prayer and the gift of miracles. Both have played an essential part in my life as in yours. Thank you for hosting and bringing us your thoughful SJT post. lIt is a blessing to hear how the goodness of God has affected different lives. Your story is a grand living miracle but thanks for the noting the small ones also that we sometimes miss.

    My post, Everyday Miracles, can be found at https://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2024/04/everyday-miracles.html. May this month be filled withthe observance of nature’s small miracles.

  3. Such an example of walking miracles, Bob! I think of Mary Oliver’s poem ending: What will you do with your one wild life? Gratitude is lived, right? Thank you for this prompt!

    My post can be found here: http://www.patriciajfranz.come/blog-miracles

  4. Thank you for the prompt and for sharing your miracles.

    Here is a link to my post: https://ruthayreswrites.com/2024/04/05/dont-miss-the-miracle/

  5. Sorry for my late arrival to SJT (Saturday for me). Thanks, Bob, for encouraging us to think about miracles in our lives. Here’s a link to my post: https://pleasuresfromthepage.blogspot.com/2024/04/spiritual-journey-thursday-miracles.html

  6. Bob, you’re a walking miracle from beginning to more recent times! Thanks for sharing your stories!

  7. Your two miracles are real miracles. Your parens must have been so worried. Thank you for sharing. I was thinking about miracles in my life. The first thought that came to mind was that I was blessed to be born into my family. Here our marriages were usually arranged by the elders in the family. But we were asked our opinion. To the generation older to mine, parents decided everything. Thank God I did not live in those times. Our daughter selected her partner 😊. My miracle is being married to my husband. Our son Aravind was born with retinitis Pigmentosa. But by God’s grace and his hard work he is doing well. He completed his Phd in English Literature from one of the top universities of our country and is a teacher. He is happy with his work and has confidence in himself. 

  8. haitiruth

    Thank you for hosting! I’ve been having trouble leaving comments here but I’m trying again! Ruth, thereisnosuchthingasagodforsakentown.blogspot.com

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