Minor Glitches


On Saturday I hosted a Zoom meeting for school employees who are retiring this year or in the next five years. I had written about getting ready for this meeting in an earlier post. Well, now that it is over I thought I would reflect a bit on how it went.

The registration deadline was Friday, the 18th. I am sure it comes as no surprise to anyone that we still had people registering the whole week after the deadline. We accepted them and I did send them the link but can’t people read? Do they think deadlines don’t apply to them? The best of it was that on Saturday morning after the workshop had started, one person filled out the registration and sent it in. That person was not sent the link to join. Maybe I was wrong not to send it, but I had to draw the line somewhere.

We had 117 people register, but only 80 joined. I guess that is to be expected. All but one person was able to hear me but we could hear them. The problem was, the one person who couldn’t hear me was our event organizer. No matter what she tried or I tried her audio wasn’t coming through. After about ten minutes someone in the group offered a suggestion. She tried it and success, she could hear. Big relief.

The workshop started on time with our chapter president making some welcoming remarks and then turning it over to our first speaker, a woman from HOPS (Health Option Programs). We could see her but not hear her. Don’t know what the problem was. No matter what I did or she did her audio would not kick in.

After a bit we just decided to go with our second speaker, a person from PSERS. He had an excellent presentation and power point. He spoke of the options people had and how they could get the information and form they needed for retirement. He spoke of the different options people had and how it would affect their monthly check. When he finished he fielded many good questions. People went away with much useful information.

So, although there were some glitches, not unexpected for a first time venture, we had lots of positive feedback and know so much more for when we do this again. Oh yes, I know there will be a next time.


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16 responses to “Minor Glitches

  1. mosbergerm

    I’m glad you were all able to solve the problem!

  2. Trish

    I can totally relate to all you say here, from tech glitches (and I’m curious about the suggestion that remedied the audio in one case but not the other) to that whole registration thing. We’re having a conference with four speakers/presentations and haven’t even set a deadline, knowing what you say is true. Also, the number of registrants compared to attendees, yes, I get it, but it’s tough to plan for breakout rooms and to honor the people who are the featured speakers! ARGH…Glad it all worked out and overall successfully!

  3. Luckily we had someone on our team who knows a bit about HOPS and she was able to give a brief overview of the program. Of course, it was not as comprehensive as what the speakers would have said but the attendees did get some information.

  4. Don’t you know once you volunteer, or are volun-told, for a job it’s yours forever? Hey, we all draw line sin the sand and it’s not always heart-shaped. Glad it it was informative and went well over all.

  5. Glad it all went well in the end. Oh the Zoom struggles, been there done that …

  6. I used to get really stressed by tech fails and “minor glitches” but after a year teaching on Zoom, nothing really bothers me any more. We try to fix it, and then we figure out how to move on!

  7. I’m glad it went relatively well with only those couple of glitches!

  8. Leigh Anne Eck

    Yay! I’m glad it went well–even with a few glitches. I had to chuckle at your line “but can’t people read?” I am always amazed at people who can’t read and/or follow directions.

  9. Bob, teach glitches are part of life but it looks like all went well in the end and much useful information was shared. I had several tech glitches the past few slices but corrected them tonight. UGH but it feels good to figure out a glitch!

    • Carol, it does give a sense of satisfaction when you conquer a tech glitch. With the way things keep moving a great speed glitches are to be expected. I just wish I moved at a greater speed.

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