Friday Sijo

Day 19

I haven’t written a sijo in a bit so I thought I would write some for today’s post. In case you don’t know or need a refresher course on what a Sijo is it is a traditional Korean form of poetry.

It has a syllabic structure with each line containing 14 – 16 syllables. Each line of the poem has a specific purpose. Line one introduces the topic. Line two develops it further. Line three contains some kind of twist – humor or irony, an unexpected image, a pun, or a play on words.

Here are a few of mine:

Yesterday the sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky.
Birds chirped merrily and flowers poked their heads out of the ground.
Today swirling snow makes seeing across the street difficult.

It takes it time as if it has all the time in the world.
The opaque brown liquid slowly fills the glass container.
Meanwhile, I anxiously await my first cup of hot coffee.

Sirens blaring and lights flashing quickly draw my attention.
What emergency is happening in our neighborhood.  
I guess I had better emerge 'n see what's going on.



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34 responses to “Friday Sijo

  1. WOWilkinson

    Thanks for sharing. I’m always looking for new (to me) poetic forms to share with my creative writers.

  2. Ooh! I had forgotten about sijo, thanks for the reminder. “Weather” was perfect for this time of year. Brown is my everyday. The shift from the OMG! to the Meh of “Emergency” made me laugh, I felt that in my ‘whatever dude…’ NYC bones. 😀

  3. Had not heard of this form before… and there’s a whole book of them in addition to your examples!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for sharing! I’d never heard of a sijo before. Now I need to try it.

  5. jumpofffindwings

    I just ordered this book from “Better World…” I love this form, and Linda Sue Park. With April right around the corner, and an awareness of syllables always on my teacher-mind, I can’t wait to take this out for a spin. The weather Sijo brings such memories of living in NJ, and coffee? Why just this morning…

  6. Terje

    Your first sijo fits perfectly for Estonian weather too. I admit I had never heard of sijo before. Thank you for educating me.

  7. Lainie Levin

    I love your trip of sijo here. I love this structure, and I’m definitely adding it to my “to try” list.

  8. Lainie Levin

    Oh. And. Line 3 of poem 3? Yeah. I see what you did there. ; )

  9. britt

    Oohhh I need to try this, love it!

  10. Clever! I loved emerge ‘n see!

  11. I just read Linda Sue Park’s new book The One Thing You’d Save which is also written as sijo poems.

  12. I love your poems! This is a new form of poetry for me. I should start collecting poem posts from the SOL challenge! Lots of people are writing poems this year.

  13. I have never heard of this form before. I am so glad you shared this! I’m writing the format down in my notebook for future writing. Your coffee poem had the best twist! THANK YOU for this slice!!

  14. Thank you for reminding me of this form, which I’d like to revisit (filing this away for next month in case I participate in a poetry writing challenge.) I love the twist in the coffee poem and it reminded me of my own mornings standing anxious in front of the pot waiting for that first cup!

  15. Bob, I read that you learned this at an NCTE conference. There is so much to learn at those conferences. I think I will have to give this format a try.

  16. I’ve never heard of a sijo, and I LOVE poetry! I can’t wait to try this out! It seems like a very powerful form. You’re the second slicer to introduce me to a new form; years ago, I learned about Tanka poetry from a fellow slicer, and I loved trying that.
    Your weather one was my favorite!

  17. Wonderful, I must try it . Thank you for sharing.

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