An Unexpected Turn of Events

I was counting the months until until my term as president of the Dauphin County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees (DCPASR) ended. I was sworn in back in November of 2018 with my term running for two years, January 2019 -December 2020.

That means that I only need to prepare for two more monthly meetings, October and November. We don’t typically hold a meeting in December. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I enjoy being president. I have a great Board who support me and jump in to do whatever I ask of them. I don’t mind planning general membership meetings and getting guest speakers for our group. That being said I am ready to pass on the gavel to out president elect.

Then this pandemic hit. All in-person meetings were canceled. Zoom meetings became the standard. I admit it is difficult to get some seniors willing to try this newfangled way of communicating.

This morning we had a Region meeting via zoom. Dauphin is part of region IV. Our executive director joined our zoom meeting today. He had some news to share with us.

He is making a recommendation to the Board of Directors that all leaders stay in place until July 1, 2021. Because chapters can’t meet in person to elect and install new leadership he feels it is best to keep things as they are in order to keep things running more smoothly.

What? Does that mean I can’t pass things on in November? I am in this position for another six months until July 1, 2021? Well, this is not what I was expecting as I counted down the remaining days of my term.

I don’t mind doing it, but I need to let my board know of this development and see if they are OK with me staying on for six more months. Luckily we have a board meeting scheduled for tomorrow. I will see what they have to say.


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19 responses to “An Unexpected Turn of Events

  1. The pandemic has brought many new decisions. The Executive Board of the Long Island Language Arts Council has not made our decision yet. I am the Newsletter Edition and planning to move to VA by November 18th. Life goes on in this new normal Zoomified world. I look forward to hearing what your association decides. It may affect other states’ decisions. Stay well.

  2. jumpofffindwings

    I love this statement on the heels of your anticipation of letting go of the responsibility when you learn it is not to be:”I don’t mind doing it, but I need to let my board know of this development and see if they are OK with me staying on for six more months.” They are lucky to have you! (I know that usually it’s the burden of work shared by a few in any organization. I’m glad you have a supportive Board.)

  3. Kathleen Neagle Sokolowski

    I hope they say- “You deserve a break!” And you get to exit gracefully, as planned, in 2020.

  4. I can completely relate to this! I served as the president of a local board for a few years, and I cannot imagine what it would have been like to do it VIRTUALLY! You definitely deserve a break!

  5. I can see both sides! But surely you can pass on the job if you are ready to go! I think everyone would understand. Several years ago my dad started out as the co-caretaker of the cemetery near his house. He was to be the 2nd for 2 years, then he’d take the lead for 2 years while training his replacement. It’s a pretty good set up with the leader always training their replacement. But the two of them inherited a big mess (plots being double-sold, for example, and two families think they own it and they are right!) Well, after 2 years he tool over as the lead – selling plots, making sure the landscaping is done, etc. But 5 years later he’s still in the position because he can’t get anyone to take over for him. I hope your people are more understanding when you are ready go move on!

    • The nice thing about the group I work with is that they go along with whatever I suggest. I know our president elect is ready to step in whenever she needs to. I will just wait and see how the discussion goes tomorrow. I still have three months to make up my mind.

  6. Lainie Levin

    This hits me in ALL the feels. I know how it feels to anticipate the relief that comes with passing on an obligation or a duty, and I also know how it is when things fall short.

    And while I am sure you will be amazing over the next several months, because my guess is you don’t know how to be otherwise, I’m also with the folks are rooting for you to find a way to exit gracefully and pass the job along. ❤

  7. haitiruth

    Hope it all works out for you!

  8. Life has changed ! Take care and all the best.

  9. Terje

    Things kind of were on pause and it seems ok to extend various deadlines. Perhaps continuing with the same people in charge provides some stability. At the same time you can make a choice that allows you to take care of yourself. No matter how you decide it will be the right decision for you at his point.

    • I have decided to stay on until July. Our president elect is fine with that decision and our board is OK with that decision. It does seem a bit unfair to ask someone else to take over in the middle of this when I am familiar with setting up zoom meetings. Besides, it is not hard work and I enjoy doing it.

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