Crafting II


Back in March I wrote about making something for Kathy’s 2021 Quilt Show Quiltique.  I am not a quilter or sewer, but I do enjoy working with plastic canvas.  I wrote about making an Easter bunny door hanging.  Because I couldn’t leave the house, I wasn’t able to buy the trim I needed to finish it.

Well, last week we went to Jo Ann Fabrics and got what I needed.  Mrs. Bunny is now finished.  As a reminder, here is the picture on the pattern.


Here is my completer pattern.  I did decide to use darker colors just because.


The booklet also had other patterns in it as well.  As long as I was on a roll I figured I would make something else.  It will be used for a good cause.  Because it was a holiday booklet there happened to be a Halloween Witch pattern.


Here is my finished project.


There was one last project in the booklet and that was a patriotic eagle.


Why not.  I had nothing better to do.


Because the show is held in September and people like to buy things for Christmas I dug out a Christmas pattern I had.


Ho, ho, ho.


I had one more pattern I wanted to make.  It kind of expressed how I and I am sure many others felt during this time on staying at home.


Couldn’t resist a cat.


So, now I have some things I can donate to the guild’s Quiltique.  If each one can sell for $10.00 I will feel that I have helped out the cause.


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20 responses to “Crafting II

  1. jumpofffindwings

    Your are better than the patterns by far. Great job!

  2. Erika Haak

    Great job Bob! You are talented and it is nice you will donate them to be sold! I love them all!

  3. Terje

    Fabulous! You have been productive. And for a good cause. I have a feeling that the cat one should stay at home. You might need to make a second one for the donation.

  4. Those are great! The eagle must have taken an especially long time. What a nice hobby!

  5. The bunny looks great. I really like your darker color choices.

  6. Wow, Bob! I am impressed! Quite a lot accomplished and all of the projects look fabulous! I love the “Hang in there” because that is exactly what we all need to do!

  7. Fun and relaxing hobby… opportunity to contribute to a good cause… win-win!

  8. Wow! These look so good! Of course I’m very partial to that cat. I love learning about new artistic and craftsy hobbies!

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