Company’s Coming


Company’w coming and it is not Eli (Sorry about that.  Just couldn’t help myself.)  Yes, we are getting company on Wednesday and I am not ready.  I just heard about this over the weekend and now I am scrambling to be prepared.

What do I need?  Definitely must have a good supply of food in the house.  I will need to have the fixings for several different meals.  Leftovers are fine for me but not for company.

What else do I need?  Nice warm blankets.  I don’t keep the house super hot because I don’t like it that way so a few extra warm blankets should do nicely.  Of course, three cats also add an extra layer of heat.

Let’s see, what else?  I am not planning on going anywhere while our guest is here, but on the off chance I need to go out I’d better be prepared.  My nice warm winter coat, fur lined hat, and gloves should do the trick.  They are within easy reach.

Again, even though I am not planning on going anywhere during our guest’s visit I had better check to make sure that there is plenty of gas in the car.  You never know when an emergency might pop up.

Food. Blankets. Outerwear. Gas.  Ok Mr. Polar Vortex, I am ready for you. Hope your stay is not too long.



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18 responses to “Company’s Coming

  1. Brrr! We are in for a frozen blast. Glad you are preparing and I bet the leftovers will be just fine. Stay warm Bob! Love the extra layer of warmth that purrs. 🙂

  2. A pot of homemade taco soup today should carry us nicely through this cold snap. Of course, the furry blankets help as well.

  3. Trying to decide what should go in the crockpot. Love your approach to the weather. I chose a different approach today. 🙂

  4. TammyB

    We have to turn up the heat when people come over too! We dress in layers usually. Haha glad to hear someone else does it too

  5. I hear on the news that 2/3 of the country is suffering form this Polar Vortex. I am fortunate to be in the 1/3 that isn’t. We are all send literal and figurative warm wishes. I hope it is over soon.

  6. Judy C.

    Stay warm and safe. Glad hear you are well prepared.

  7. Terje

    I hope you have no need to leave the house. Stay warm.

  8. There was a 100 degree difference between my city (North Bay, Ontario) and Miami, Florida yesterday. We were -38F, and they were +68F. It’s incredible to me that this could happen! I always used days like that to have the oven clean itself. Of course I was at work yesterday, but I got it done 2 weekends ago. Hope you enjoyed your taco soup!

    • We are going to hit negative temps tomo, although no as cold as what you had, and then back to the 40’s by the weekend. Unreal. The taco soup hit the spot.

  9. I’d love some of that taco soup right now…I’m hungry!! I loved the structure of your post today and the surprise ending. Very clever. Please stay warm and safe and let us know how you fared during this “visit.”

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