Waiting, Just Anticipating


Sometimes things just come to a standstill.  Something needs to be done but it can’t until something else is done first. That thing can’t be done because it is dependent on something else being completed.

That is where we stand with our kitchen today.  We can’t get the backsplash put up until the counter top is installed.  The counter top can’t be measured until all of the base cabinets are in place.  All of the base cabinets are in place except one.  The wrong size was ordered and delivered.

In a way I guess we had something to do with that.  You see, at the last minute when we talked with our designer for the last time before signing all of the papers we decided to go with angled corner cabinets like what we had instead of a 90 degree angle that she had planned.

It was no big deal.  It did mean a few alterations in the design because the 45 degree angled cabinets are a bit bigger.  That meant that some of the other cabinet sized had to be adjusted.  Apparently all corrections were made except for one cabinet.  The one that was ordered and sent is too big for the space designated for it.

Our contractor contacted the store and the correct size cabinet was ordered.  However, it will take three to four weeks for that replacement to get here so that means our contractor can’t finish the flooring until the cabinet is in place.  We cant have the people come to measure for the counter top because all cabinets need to be in place for a accurate measurement.  The backsplash can’t be put up until the counter top is installed.

There are still the lights to be installed and ceiling cracks to be fixed but that is a one to two day job.

So, as for now our kitchen remodel is on hold.c1


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23 responses to “Waiting, Just Anticipating

  1. Terje

    So sorry to hear about the mix up and the trouble it has created. Three to four weeks to wait for the replacement? I hope it goes faster.

  2. hope it’s not too much of an inconvenience. I do know that situation when a chain of contingencies stands between you and having what you ultimately want.

  3. Reminds me of a poem…
    “For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
    For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
    For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
    For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
    For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
    And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

    ― Benjamin Franklin

    (sorry if the formatting is off…it looks right on my end!)

  4. Hope the replacement gets to you faster! Then everything can back on track!

  5. 3-4 weeks for a replacement!? Oh my…. that is a long time for a kitchen remodel to be on hold. It is a difficult room to be without, though I’ll take a missing kitchen over a missing bathroom any day.

  6. Here’s hoping that comes in a bit early! I am in the middle of a bathroom upgrade and am having a bit of the same issue with the vanity – finding the size that will fit our older home with out going to custom build. Good Luck – you will love it when it is done! I am sure!

  7. The challenges of remodeling! Hopefully they will be able to get back on track soon.

  8. Remodeling is a house of cards that will come crashing down so easily. You have a great attitude so hopefully this will pass soon and you will have an awesome new kitchen.

  9. There always seems to be a plateau period with any project. Yours sounds long. I hope those 3-4 weeks pass quickly. I hope the cats will enjoy this period.

    • Two of the data to into hiding as soon as the contractor gets here. The third would say and help if we didn’t out him behind closed doors.

  10. Oh, a kitchen remodel can be so challenging! But the results are well worth the wait. Hang in there. It’s tough when so much depends on something else!

  11. In the bigger scheme of life, this is one small glitch. However, in the here and now it can be annoying. We spent almost a year in our house before we had kitchen cabinets. We were doing all the walls, electrical, etc. ourselves. I cooked on the gas grill outside or with an electric skillet.
    SOON it will just be a memory and you will have so much pride in the finished work!

    • If I attempted doing electrical work myself the house would burn down. Luckily our stove is usable so we can cook and a meal out now and then isn’t bad either.

  12. I am late to the party about this blog. But anyone who has had a kitchen renovation can tell a similar story. I thought ours was going really well until we hit a snag with the floor. Then we joined the ranks of those who sit and wait. But you will also join the ranks of those who will be very happy with your new kitchen. It’s important to make those small changes or you will never feel fully satisfied with your new kitchen. Hope it all turns out well in the end.

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