The Nor’easter



For most of last week we were bombarded with reports of a nor’easter headed our way Wednesday.  It came as promised so I thought I would chronicle the event for this post.  When I went to bed Tuesday night the last prediction I heard was 6 – 12 inches for our area.  Snow was just starting to fall as I trundled off to bed.

When I got up Wednesday morning I decided to take my camera outside and snap a picture of what it looked like at 8:00 in the morning.  Since the brunt of the storm wasn’t to hit until later I didn’t expect to see too much snow yet.  Here’s what I saw.



Not much but just wait.  I planned to take a picture every hour to record the event.  I figured my car would make a good reference point as the snow accumulated.

Because this didn’t look like much I turned on the TV to get a weather update.  During the night the system shifted farther east so now we were only in the 3 to 6 inch range.  Only.  Well, better than last night’s prediction.

At 9:00 I went out out to take another picture.



Not much different.  In fact, some of the snow had melted off of my car.

Let’st check the 10:00 scene.



Hmmm.  However, the prediction was for the heaviest amounts to fall between 10:00 and 2:00.  Sure enough, a little after 10:00 the flakes got bigger and started falling more heavily.

Here it is at 11:00.



Car is somewhat covered.    Maybe I should go out and clean it off to stay ahead of the storm.  Between 11:00 and noon things picked up a bit more.

The scene at noon.



The fluffiness is starting to pile up.  Roads, however, are still only wet and not snow covered.  Glad I have a snow shovel on the porch within easy access.

As I waited for the next hour I was sure the snow would pile up rapidly since this was within the time frame of predicted heave snowfall.




Well the car is covered.  The snow is still falling.  Forget the shovel.  I may need that new snow blower I bought. Let’s see what 2:00 brings.

2:00 and things still aren’t too bad.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am not complaining.



I guess I could measure that pile of snow in front of the car, but I don’t think that would give an accurate measure of snowfall amount.  It is still snowing so I will check back in an hour.

It is now 3:00.  The snow has completely stopped.  Here is a picture of what we got.



Not quite the 3 to 6 inches that was called for.  I think I will forget about shoveling and just let Mother Nature take care of it.  Who knows what it will look like by 4:00.

I guess we now know. 4:00 shot.  Glad I didn’t start up the old snow blower.



I think I will end this snow watch here.  My original plan was to go until 7:00, but I don’t think that is necessary.

Just a few words to the nor’easter.  I am so glad you decided to move a little farther to the East!

To all who were impacted by this storm my thoughts are with you.  Hoping for a speedy clean-up and return of power.



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18 responses to “The Nor’easter

  1. I’ve lived in Ontario for 15 years now, so snow is no big deal to me anymore. However, whenever we have a really big storm, I really miss living in NJ where a bit of snow shit everything down for a few days. It’s nice to stay inside and take pictures of the snow. Not so nice to have to go out in it and drive to work!

  2. I like how you build up your snow report. We keep expecting the next entry to be the big one, but it never materializes. Although I’m not a big fan of snow, I do get disappointed when a big snow is forecast and it ends up that the street never even gets a coating…

  3. Sometimes the media hype doesn’t live up to expectations. It is pretty, though.

  4. Sadly I am not able to see any of your pictures. 😦 But I can figure out what’s happening from your words. 🙂 Glad it wasn’t as bad as projected in your area.

  5. Thankfully you didn’t get hi! Altho I have heard another is coming (sorry – maybe I shouldn’t tell you that). We got just a dusting as well. This has been a strange winter indeed.

  6. The nor’easter missed you but it got me! The district I work in missed two days, and my children (we live in the neighboring town to where I work) missed three! We ended up with about 8-10 with CRAZY winds – downed trees and power lines! Maybe I should have had your idea to capture the nor-easter in pics! I thoroughly enjoyed your pics and narration to go with it! Glad it missed you! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Doen here we should have never been in a winter storm warning. Enjoyed watching the progress 🙂

  8. Glad you didn’t get what was predicted. It’s good to know that our forecasters don’t know it all. Sometimes I think they work with the grocery stores just to get us overly cautious!

  9. Erika Haak

    We got about eight inches here! It is funny, my in-laws live about an hour West and hardly a drop! What a difference a few dozen miles can make!

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