More Broadway



In an earlier post I wrote about our annual Birthday trip to NYC and the shows we are going to see.  Well, it looks like we are going to make a second trip as well.

A few weeks ago I received a promo packet about a new show that was opening on Broadway.


Kathy and I dated during the disco era.  We even took disco lessons although we partnered with other people.  Donna Summer has to be considered the Disco Queen.  How could we not want to see a show about her and one that showcases her music?  We have tickets.

Since I got tickets for the matinee it would be easy enough to hop a train in the morning, arrive in NYC around 12:30, grab some lunch, see the show, get something to eat,and hop another train home that evening.

That is a little too busy for me so I decided that we would spend the night and come home the next day.  As long as we were going to spend the night then why not get tickets for another show?  The question becomes What Show?  I looked at the offerings at (my go to spot for buying tickets) to see what else was playing.

I like musicals so usually these are the shows I gravitate toward.  However, there is one play that I have heard a lot about and decided to get tickets for that show.

The Play That Goes Wrong

From all that I have read, this show is supposed to be a riot.

So, instead of just going to New York City once this year we will be going twice.  Looking forward to both trips.


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17 responses to “More Broadway

  1. What a treat for you and Kathy! A double double header of fun!

  2. Judy C.

    There are times when I wished we lived closer to a big city to be able to take in Broadway shows. Enjoy!

  3. Double the fun. Sounds wonderful for you and Kathy! May all your travels be safe.

  4. Terje

    Going twice is exciting. Disco lessons sound exciting to me too.

  5. Will there be dancing is the aisles at the show?

  6. I think NYC for shows twice a year is an absolute necessity! Good for your mental health!!! Peg out that “Fun-Meter! YES!!! Your show trips and your quilt trips are always such favorites for ME!

  7. Sounds like fun! Can’t wait to read the report. NYC shows are the thing I miss most from my NJ life. We have them in Toronto, but my husband isn’t a fan. I can’t wait for my daughter to be old enough to join me!

  8. Oh goodness! You’re going to LOVE “The Play That Goes Wrong”!

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