Things I Don’t Always See

I have never been accused of being the most observant person in the world.  Just ask Kathy.  I tend to miss what is right under my nose.  Of course, there are those things that I just can’t miss.  For example, every time I look out our kitchen window or go out to the car I see these.

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These lilacs are just about done, but we have enjoyed cutting sprigs and bringing them into the house.  Their scent just permeates the room.

There are, however, other things in our yard that I usually miss.  Yesterday as I was cutting the grass I did notice a few things and just had to stop for a closer look.

First of all there is the rhododendron growing out front.  We just bought and planted it last year so it is not very big.  The blooms aren’t open yet, but they are there.

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Moving to our back yard there is a shed.  next to the shed is a bleeding heart plant.  It came with the house when we bought it.

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Then there is the ground cover around one of our trees.  Every spring we have a cascade of yellow.

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One thing I generally miss because they last for such a short time is the lily-of-the-valley.

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As a kid we had these all over our yard .  We have cut some of these and brought them into the house.  Once again they give a fragrance that just can’t be truly duplicated by any manufacturer.

Lastly there is the azalea.

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This plant we just uprooted and moved last year because it wasn’t doing too well.  Looks like it is happy now.

As I said, these are things I generally miss, even when I cut the grass week after week.  So glad I took the time to enjoy them this year.


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12 responses to “Things I Don’t Always See

  1. These beautiful things are definitely worth noticing! It’s so important not to pass up things that we can easily take for granted. We just bought a condo that we’re renovating, and there is a big patch of lily-of-the-valley – actually, I didn’t know what they were until your post! Now I know! They’re really pretty, and I LOVE bleeding hearts!

  2. There is a lot I miss when I’m out on my own, but that I see when I am walking the dogs, who go VERY SLOWLY and love to sniff everything.

  3. Judy C.

    Beautiful tour of your yard. I miss the lilacs – they don’t do well in our Arkansas climate. But, I can still smell their aroma from your description. Thanks for taking time to notice and share.

  4. Ahh, I could just smell all that beauty. The fragrance of spring is so special. Well, on to summer and honeysuckle.

  5. Your garden is a veritable treasure trove of beauty. Love those lilacs – just wished they lasted longer.

  6. Lilacs should be out soon here. My azalea is VERY happy this year in spite of being in a very unhandy location for them. Enjoy seeing all those wonders!

  7. Hello, fellow gardener! I, too, have lilies of the valley and lilacs, and a whole yard full of beautiful plants waiting to flower. Yours are beautiful!

  8. rosecappelli

    Beautiful flowers! It’s amazing how much we notice when we slow down a bit. Somehow the promise of spring always makes winter bearable!

  9. You are surrounded with aromatic and visual delights in your yard. Spring does bring the colors and scents to the forefront. How I wish I could breathe in your lilacs and lily of the valley! My favorites!

  10. Ah, lilacs and lily of the valley…I can almost smell them. And closing my eyes, I can picture the azaleas in my in-laws’ yard in Augusta.

  11. I’m so glad you’re enjoying them, too. And I’m impressed that you know all the names. I think I may send you some pictures of my own landscaping so you can help me identify all the different plants and flowers!

  12. Terje

    I like spring posts with pictures, they have light and color and make me happy. I liked strolling in your garden with you. Lilacs and lily of the valley mean beginning of summer. Still a bit time to wait.

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