More Quilts


Last week there was another national quilt show at Oaks, near Philadelphia.  Of course we went.  I thought that I would share some pictures of the exhibits and quilts we saw.

As with all quilt shows, there is so much to see.  I thought that I would start this photo journal with an exhibit that caught my eye

.004  I’m sure you can see why this particular exhibit spoke to me.  Closer examination showed these details:


Notice how well the colors and textures work well together.


A close up of some of the components.


Of course, a quilt needs an interesting border as well.  Notice ho this border just completes the piece.


Now, here are a few more quilts that I thought were something to see.

006 007 008 009 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018

These are just some of the hundreds of quilts that were there.  One is more amazing than the next.  We really enjoyed the day.


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13 responses to “More Quilts

  1. Ohmigosh! Those are just stunning! I’m in awe of anyone who has the ability to create works of art like that.

  2. Every time, you make me laugh out loud. The food quilt is great, but those others are awesome! I too, am in awe of anyone who can create with fabric.

  3. I just finished out my lunch break with your lunch quilt. I think I am still hungry…
    Wow! Those quilts are amazing. I enjoyed them even more because lately I have been reading from the Elm Creek Quilts series by Jennifer Chiaverrini.

  4. Thank your for the laugh today. I was having a frustrating time and decided to come read some posts. Yours was perfect…the lunch quilt and all of its qualities…and then to end it with the border! I laughed out loud. As for the other quilts…..I don’t know how people do it. The designs and pictures are magnificent. I would look at one and think that was a favorite and then the next one would be…etc. So it comes down to the fact that I liked all of them. They are just amazing!

  5. I love the connection with the food! And the quilts are spectacular.

  6. Very funny & clever, that food quilt! I love seeing the others. I had lots of relatives who quilted, but my mother always created her own patterns, wonderful to see. I love the Log Cabin quilt!

  7. What a feast for the eyes – and the one with the llama, I never knew that quilts were made this way.

  8. Loved wandering the quilt show and eyeing the lunch quilt too! My favorite is #8 – all my favorite colors with blue, yellow, and green. I don’t know the name of the design, but it’s gorgeous.

  9. Terje

    Those quilts are art works. Amazing.

  10. Judy C.

    I was beginning to wonder if you actually went to a Quilt Show or if it was a Quilt Food Buffet Show. Thanks for sharing both food and quilts. They are truly amazing.

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