Listing Likes and Dislikes

Thank you to Britt for the inspiration for this slice.

I liked the list of likes and dislikes, so I decided to give it a try with a little twist. Here are just 10 of my likes and dislikes.

  1. I like cats and dogs, but I dislike reptiles especially snakes.
  2. I like desserts and food in general, but I dislike liver and onions.
  3. I like a gentle summer rain, but I dislike heavy downpours.
  4. I like watching the birds at the feeder, but I dislike the mess they make on the windowsill.
  5. I like going for a drive, but I dislike aggressive drivers.
  6. I like train rides, but I dislike flying.
  7. I like roller coasters, but I dislike cable cars.
  8. I like eating a meal out with friends, but I dislike loud music played in restaurants.
  9. I like curling up with a good book, but I dislike when that book ends too soon.
  10. I like the feel of the sun warming me, but I dislike getting sunburned.


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19 responses to “Listing Likes and Dislikes

  1. #1- Yes! But my son inexplicably likes snakes.
    #2- Yes. My mother used to insist we ate liver when she breaded and deep-fried it and made us think it was tenderloin… but I don’t believe it!
    #7- I never liked roller coasters, even as a kid.

  2. Bob, #10 stands out. While I usually do not burn an unintentional one becomes a fiery annoyance. The Likes/Dislikes format must be fun to write. Have a great day!

  3. I love making lists, so I will have to try this format. I like your like/dislike structure. It makes you think! I agree with many of you likes but do not share many dislikes.

  4. #4 is a reason we haven’t done a bird feeder before even though we love birds.

  5. Trish

    This variation on the list of likes and dislikes is a definite post-possibility. I love #10…who doesn’t agree? The downside of sun, most definitely. I’d also say that I love cats when they cuddle but get annoyed when their claws get involved. And food, I love most of it, but dislike eggplant. And lately I’m with you…no patience for flying.

  6. Great list of likes and dislikes; I didn’t see Britt’s post, and will go check this one out, too. I am totally with you on #9 – with a particularly good book, I have been known to just stop reading …put it down and aside, before the end, because I need to face the sad transition of a good book gone too soon.

  7. The loud music! I can’t stand it. Don’t they know we are trying to talk to each other? I dislike a loud TV in a restaurant even more.

  8. What a nice twist to the likes / dislikes separate lists. You were able to connect them so well. My favorite is #9. I so dislike when a book I’m really into ends.

  9. Fun format! I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the idea!

  10. Ooh, I like your twist to the likes/dislikes list. I felt bad, but I ended up removing our bird feeder because the mess was appalling! I need to place it somewhere where the mess won’t be so obtrusive.

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