

Why can’t they uncomplicate things? Why do you have to work before you start to work? Why am I complaining when I am retired and have plenty of time to untangle the mess?

A couple of weeks ago I ordered a kit for an Easter decoration. In other years I have written about the fact that I enjoy working with plastic canvas. Anyway, Kathy received a catalogue from one of the companies she helps keep in business. She saw a kit that she thought I might like plus it would make a cute Easter greeting hanging on our door. Do I want to add it to the order she was preparing? Sure.

Well, last week the package arrived. Now, I have bought kits before and I knew what to expect, but I still complain. Hey, it is what we seniors do best.

Everything was included in the kit: plastic canvas, yarn, needle, instructions. To my way of thinking, when whoever puts the kits together gets the yarn they count out however many length are needed to complete the project. It would make sense, right? So why, then, can’t they keep the colors separate when they put them in the kit. Why must the yarn all be bundled together so that when I get the kit I need to separate the colors before I can begin working?

Not telling or showing what kit I got. Saving that for a future post…if I get it finished.


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20 responses to “Tangled

  1. That is a valid question.

  2. I like how you give us a teaser, saying youre retired and shoul dhave time to “untangle the mess.” I also like the humor in ‘complaining… is what seniors do best.” But you know, you’re right about the colors!

  3. Terje

    What a splash of colour you had to untangle. You made me curious. You’re good at that. I believe that you will get the project finished.

  4. Trish

    I’m a senior, so I can relate, not crafty though. The imagining of how that yarn would look keeps me far away. I just love this line:”Kathy received a catalogue from one of the companies she helps keep in business. ” My husband might say the exact same thing about my shopping.😉

  5. Sometimes the yarn is all tangled too! So frustrating.

  6. Oh that’s a frustrating and valid question. Look forward to the finished project.

  7. Looking forward to seeing the creation!

  8. Bob, you always have a zinger at the end of your slices but today you have a cliff hanger. I can’t wait to to see what you are making.

  9. Holy cow I cannot wait to see the final product. You captured the frustration perfectly – I also think you ask a very good question – why does it have to be complicated? Maybe the person packaging the materials resents that everything will be in once place ready to go…I picture them chuckling to themselves while they do that knot. PLEASE make sure you share the final piece. I am looking foward to it!

  10. Work before you even start to work! Yes, I can see there is some preparation that needs to be done here before you can start to create the masterpiece. Can’t wait to see what it is! I learned how to embroider during the pandemic and bought a couple of kits but haven’t used them. I need to pull them out and get to work myself!

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