
Delighted to hear about your

Retirement; you definitely have earned it.

Sad you will no longer be there when we

Arrive with Molly, Ned, or Dustin.

Ready to examine and calm

An already excited and nervous cat.

Thank you for your years of service

Having been there for all of our “fur babies”

Over the past 30 plus years.

Respectful of our feelings when

Needing to deliver sad news, and crying with us when

That last shot had to be delivered.

One special person who will be missed

Not only by us but by all of your clients.

Happy Retirement, Dr. Sara Thornton!





And our first “fur baby”, Priscilla.


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16 responses to “Retiring

  1. What a great acrostic for your fur babies’ veterinarian! Thirty years! A lot of stories as we can tell by the pictures! ❤

  2. You made me cry! Thank you for putting a smile on my face at every visit. Thank you for the devotion you give always give your pets. Thank you for being part of the iCandy family.

  3. Terje

    A lovely goodbye. I am glad that Dr. Thornton read and commented on the poem here on the blog. I hope her retirement will still include adorable animals, real and on photos.

  4. What a nice idea! I enjoyed the photos, and how the oldest one has that look of yellowing from that era. I love seeing your vets comments upon reading. Thank you for the reminder that writing can be such a sweet gift!

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I remember when we were new cat parents with Priscilla and called hew up for the first time all those years ago. She has helped us through many cats.

  5. jumpofffindwings

    There is absolutely nothing better than having a vet you can count on—who else sees us through the highs and lows of feline (and canine) parenthood joys and woes? (Dustin would be wrangling for that prime real estate i front of the sink with our cat Cowboy—just sayin’.)What a wonderful tribute to YOUR vet. Writing is its own gift.

  6. What a lovely celebration of a long relationship. It is hard to lose a good vet.

  7. Lainie Levin

    I absolutely love this poem! And, speaking as the wife of a veterinarian, I can only imagine how delighted Dr. Thornton would be to read this. Just like we teachers are humbled to see ourselves as a part of the family, veterinarians are very much the same. Beautiful.

    • Thank you. Sara has been our vet for over 30 years and has seen us through all kinds of pet emergencies. I am also honored that she follows and reads my blog.

  8. Bob, this was a special gesture of kindness and remembrance for your vet. Poetry always speaks to the heart of matters.

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