It Is Good to be Home


Did you ever have one of those weeks where you don’t know what your house looks like?  I am just coming off one of those weeks.  Let me explain.

It started last Sunday, October 6.  The Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees held their House of Delegates meeting at the Valley Forge Hotel and Casino in King of Prussia which is near Philadelphia.  As co-presidents of our local chapter, Kathy and had to attend.

The conference ran until noon on Tuesday.  After a two hour drive home we had to stop at the “Spa” to pick up our furbabies.  They were glad to see us and we were glad to see them.  As always, they were taken good care of at the spa.  I will say that Dustin does get preferential treatment from Dr. Thorton since she is his breeder.  Ge gets to see “grandma” on these stays.

Wednesday we were home but not home.  One of my jobs as co-president of DCPASR is to handle the educational grant we award each year.  This year Steelton/Highspire is the recipient.  Wednesday afternoon I had set up a meeting with the district’s superintendent to explain the award and enlist his help in getting the word out to his faculty and staff.  He was very willing to do that.

When we got home it was time for me to pack.  This was the weekend of the annual PTELA (Pennsylvania Teachers of English and Language Arts) Conference.  As a Board member, and because I enjoy the conference, I needed to go.

Thursday, after lunch, I packed the car again and headed off to State College.  This year we held the conference at the Penn Stater, one of my favorite places for a conference.  I wanted to get there Thursday so that I could help the conference chairs get things ready for Friday morning.  My job each year is to help man the registration desk.

It is always great to see and spend time with my PCTELA family.  We really had a great conference this year.  More about that in a future post.

The conference runs Friday and Saturday.  I could have left at the end of the conference on Saturday, but I decided to just relax and head home Sunday.

I was really glad to get home Sunday afternoon.  Now, no more running around.  Oh, but I do have a DCPASR Board meeting tomorrow and lunch with friends on Thursday.  At least these don’t involve being gone overnight.


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8 responses to “It Is Good to be Home

  1. Love busy, learning schedules but “there’s no place like home” at the end of the time! Enjoy! Relax! And more busyness to come!

  2. Terje

    I got dizzy just from reading about your week. So much packed into it. I think I am ready for some cat or quilt pictures.

  3. Good to be able to do and enjoy doing so many things. Have a great time at home too.

  4. I agree with you about it being great to get away and great to come home again.

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