Looking Bac; Looing Ahead

This month Karen Eastlund leads us on our spiritual journey and invites us to look back at words that inspire us today. You can check out Karen’s post as well as the thoughts of others here https://kceastlund.blogspot.com/2024/06/looking-back-enduring-song.html.

As a kid I can honestly say that I feared nothing. OK, maybe I wasn’t a big fan of violent thunder storms. Anyway, as kids my brothers, friends, and I did things that looing back now were foolish and dangerous. We were young. We were invincible.

Although this kind of behavior subsided during my high school and college years, and even into my beginning teaching years, my attitude to things began to change. What could happen if I did something? How could my actions affect not only me but those around me as well?

The older I got, the more these worries and fears seemed to dominate my thinking. I found myself questioning my actions, wondering if I made the right choices.


have always been a church goer and found great comfort in attending Sunday mass. I am Byzantine catholic as opposed to Roman catholic so our mass and the hymns we sang were different. When Kathy and I married, I started attending her church full time because there was no Byzantine church nearby.

As the hymns in the church changed and new ones were introduced, there was one that really struck a chord with me and gave me permission to not worry as much about some of the choices I make. The older I get and the closer I get to my journey’s end, the words of this him continue to give me comfort and hope every time I hear it.

This hymn was written in 1975 by a Jesuit priest, and it is one of my favorite hymns. When I hear it I know that everything will be all right. the hymn: Be Not Afraid.


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6 responses to “Looking Bac; Looing Ahead

  1. Bob, thanks for your thoughts and for sharing this hymn. I do not know it, but what beautiful lyrics:
    “Know that I am with you through it all,” and “Come follow me and I will give you rest.” The words of hymns run through my mind often and bring comfort.

    • Ramona, I do find this hymn comforting in times of trouble or health issues because of the words. I know that whatever I am facing, I am not facing it alone.

  2. kareneastlund4898

    Bob: Thank you for this post. It reminds me of some of the crazy things I did as a kid. I have to shake my head. But we learn, and life takes on new meaning with each day. This is a lovely hymn. Thanks for sharing.


    BE NOT AFRAID has always been a favorite hymn for me, Bob. So perfect for every transition – joyful and sorrowful. Perhaps as we age and as we grow in faith, we come to rely far more on God’s love and care and less on our individual ability to navigate the world? Truly, faith may be the greatest gift.

    • Patricia, I agree with yo. I think that as we age we realize we can’t so things alone an we need God’s help and guidance to get us through our daily challenges.

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